We are Here for You!

TLC logoThe Teaching and Learning Center believes in working across areas to create a dynamic learning environment for faculty and staff. To that end, we bring together campus-wide resources to enhance your professional development.

TLC is the place to start for

  • teaching and tenure and promotion support
  • helping you incorporate innovative pedagogical approaches
  • supporting your scholarship of teaching and learning
  • cultivating a better understanding of the wide-variety of instructional technology resources available to you

Let’s get inspired together!

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Who We Are

Our Events

The Teaching and Learning Center is dedicated to assisting faculty and staff throughout their career.

In addition to the resources found within this site, regularly sponsored events occur throughout the academic year. Please watch for emails and check our calendar for what’s coming up.

Check out our upcoming events!

Contact Us

bsutlc@t9111.com or call (218) 755-3984