An addictions certificate allows students to complete the course work to become a 持牌酒精及药物顾问(LADC).

The 上瘾的证书 curriculum prepares students through the educational requirements for alcohol and drug counseling licensure (LADC) within the state of MN to include course work, 实习和执照准备. 学生将学习筛选和评估工具, how LADCs diagnose and make treatment recommendations and will participate in experiential activities to practice substance abuse counseling skills. 这个证书和社会工作很相配, Psychology and Criminal Justice majors allowing 社会工作 students who go on to graduate school to be licensed in addictions counseling as well as a clinically licensed social worker.

该课程还定义并纳入了创伤知识, co-occurring and multicultural practices necessary to address the needs of individuals in the addictions field. 贝米吉州立大学 also welcomes returning students seeking LADC licensure and encourages professionals in the helping professions to become dually licensed.

这是一个校内在线课程, 有课程会议在晚上,以适应工作的学生.


有执照的酒精和药物顾问(ladc)观察, 描述, 评估, interpret and modify human behavior as it relates to the harmful or pathological use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Work settings can include private treatment facilities (inpatient and outpatient), 排毒设施, 一半的房子, 惩教设施, 学校, 医院和政府设施.

For information re: 状态 of 明尼苏达州 Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) licensure contact:

模拟 Awoyemi, LADC许可协调员
St. 保罗,MN 55102
(651) 201-2860
电子邮件: 模拟




在课堂上完成LADC申请 实习*. Most professionals practicing in 明尼苏达州 will complete the Method D application. When filling out the application, pages 9, 10, and 11 do not need to be completed. Make sure to attach the course curriculum information sheet and you will also need to send the fee for the application. *您可以在没有考试成绩和成绩单的情况下发送此申请. The transcripts and exam results should be sent to the board upon completion of your 实习.


鼓励学生在实习期间参加考试. 决定哪一个考试是最合适的. 考试部分有两个选项. Both are approved by the 明尼苏达州 Board of Behavioral 健康 and both automatically send testing results to the board on your behalf after completion of the exam. 下表列出了这两项考试的不同方面. **Note: when looking at the exam information, ignore the certification language that you may see. 明尼苏达州 does not require a certification; it only requires the exam.

测试位置在全州的几个地方都有. 最近的地点是德卢斯,MN和法戈, 你可以在家里或办公室在线参加这个测试.
测试结果测试人员将在测试后立即获得测试结果Testers will receive an email of their results 15 minutes after completion of the exam.
学习指南/练习考试准备测试 学习指南-费用为150美元,在BSU图书馆有副本. T在这里 are also practice exams available and most students have preferred the practice exam over the study guides.NAADAC成瘾基础书桌参考 – cost is $225 T在这里 are also practice exams available and most students have preferred the practice exam over the study guides.

对于IC&RC考试,点击 在这里 选择IC&RC Alcohol and Drug Counselor 考试 (考试 Only) application and follow the instructions to register. 当你报名参加考试时, 考试将在报名日期后的几周内安排.

如果选择NCC AP考试,单击 在这里 完整说明.  你可以在注册后的两到三天内参加考试. 你需要申请NCAC二级考试. 有些州将此考试作为认证,并收取更高的费用. 明尼苏达州只对执照使用这个考试,费用是150美元. 执照,而不是认证是明尼苏达州执业的要求. ***你将需要一个代码为NCC AP考试. 请确保你给我发邮件,我会给你所需的代码.


实习结束后, students submit their 实习 hours and transcript to MN Board of Behavioral 健康.

Submit to the 明尼苏达州 Board of Behavioral 健康 the signed LADC Internship Hours Log by mailing a copy to the board (the address is below) or by emailing Samantha Strehlo at 萨曼莎

Request an official copy of your transcripts to be sent to the 明尼苏达州行为健康和治疗委员会 (BBHT). 你可以点击 在这里 访问BSU的学业记录成绩单请求选项. 还记得, you will need to request official transcripts from all of the educational institutions you attended. BBHT的通讯地址及联络资料如下:

    210室明尼阿波利斯,MN 55414
    电话: (651) 201-2758; Fax: (612) 617-2187

    Check with BBHT to ensure that your exam results and transcripts have been received by emailing Samantha Strehlo in about a week after you have completed all of the steps. 牌照处理时间约为2-4星期. You will receive the license number before you will receive the paper copy of your license. 我建议检查一下 在线验证工具 a few weeks after you complete all the steps of the licensure process to access your license number.



    LADC申请外加背景调查费用$295 + $33.25 = $328.25
    LADC考试$225 (IC&RC)或$150 (NCC AP)
    学习指南$150 (IC&RC)或$225 (NCC AP)

    “The addictions program has prepared me not only by giving me the physical resources I need, 而是一个支持系统. The professors provided the encouragement to try something new and the education to do it. The psychology and social work departments partner well and give students a strong overview of what working in this field truly looks like.”



    All addictions certificate courses must reflect a letter grade of C or higher and cumulative GPA of 2.50.

    Students will be required to pass a state background check in order to complete an 实习. If you have any concerns about your ability to pass a background check please meet with Professor Amanda Longie about this 之前 to enrolling in the addictions certificate courses and she will help you navigate this process.

    社会工作专业的学生将完成一个并行的 社会工作/物质和行为成瘾实习.

    The time frame to accept transfer credits will follow the BSU policy of accepting credits completed within the last 10 years. The department will accept credits on a case-by-case basis outside of this time frame. Prior work experience will not be accepted in lieu of an addictions certificate 实习.

    Students who are interested in adding the addictions certificate should contact their degree program advisor or Amanda Longie at 阿曼达 请申报添加证书 提交此表格 到副厅里的档案室.

    有关本课程的更多信息, 访问课程目录.


    Please send me more information about the following 社会工作 degree options at 贝米吉州立大学:


    MM / DD / YYYY